Friday 31 January 2020

Welcome to Imminentizing the Doubularity!



"Immanentizing the Eschaton?"


It's time to get real.

Our technology is OUR technology, it is made by us to serve us and has no objective capacity to exist beyond the meaning it has for humanity. Sure, discarded shells of our technology can haunt us for eons, but that just sparks further technology to deal with it.

On the other hand, the end times, which the Singularity seems so calculated to precipitate in an anti-human way, are literally beyond calculation. I have no problem with there being a final day, or Eschaton, but the only thing I can do to prepare for them is to make my peace with my creator, living my humanity with integrity and love. Turns out that's a definitively solid strategy for success even if you don't include the Eschaton in your planning.

So, maybe we need to stop titillating ourselves with stories of imminent endings and their immanent precipitations, and start thinking rationally about what technology really does and can do for us.

And technology, especially when done with humanity, is in so many ways among the highest expressions of humanity.

So, when any given vector of innovation clearly surpasses our human capacities - which is often the case for successful technologies - and instead of supplanting us, it slingshots around the gravity of our consciousness and then brings us beyond the horizon of our vision, becoming both essential and distinct from us, I'm calling that "The Doubularity."

Welcome to that journey.

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